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AV Room List
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Studio[21] The audio CDs for this new textbook are available here for students self-practice. Audio
Eurolingua Deutsch The CDs for all 3 volumes of this German text book currently used by the German 2 course and higher at the NUS Audio
Interactive Situation Simulation A fun and interactive application for vocabulary learning and conversational practice using simulated situations Audio
Movie Studio An innovative interactive application that enables you to create and send your own individualized movie and to write and record a dialogue Audio
Studio[21] You can view the video sequences for the Studio [21] A1 textbook here. Video
Kontakt Deutsch Courses of German in the work place with emphasis on German for business Video
Einblicke A TV language course for intermediate to advanced learners. Shows films about different topics. Video
Studio D You can view the video sequences for the Studio D A1 textbook here. Video
Einführung in die Deutsche Phonetik A video phonetics course for German learners in 8 units. Shows the relation between sounds and letters, patterns of intonation and rhythm of the German language. With explanations in English. Video
Studio D The audio CDs for this textbook for German 1 and 2 are available here for students self-practice. Audio
Alles Gute An extensive and very popular TV language course for beginners in 26 units. Practise listening and viewing comprehension. Shows everyday scenes in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Video