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Language Levels
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Thai Course
Intermediate Level
studio [21] (A2), Einheit 6
Web based Exercises
Der-die-das-Spiel -- Einheit 6: Ausgehen, Leute treffen (Teil 1)
This game is designed to help you learn the genders and plural of nouns in Einheit 6 of your coursebook "studio 21". This is the first of two parts.
Der-die-das-Spiel -- Einheit 6: Ausgehen, Leute treffen (Teil 2)
This game is designed to help you learn the genders and plural of nouns in Einheit 6 of your coursebook "studio 21". This is the last of two parts.
Hörverstehen: Die Speisekarte
This exercise helps you to practise listening to people order the food in a german restaurant.
Hangman: Speisen und die Getränke
This game is designed for you to learn and internalise vocabulary related to the topic "food and drink".
Mole Game: Im Restaurant
This game is designed to help you learn words related to the topic of restaurant.
Hörverstehen: Im Restaurant Speisen bestellen
This exercise helps you to practise listening about the conversation in the restaurant.
Hörverstehen: Der perfekte Freitagabend
This exercise will give you practice in listening to the plan at friday night.
Leseverstehen: Sommerprogramm
This is a reading comprehension exercise about the topic "tips for summer".
This is an exercise for you to practise relative clauses.
Personalpronomen im Dativ
This is an exercise for you to practise the personal pronoun in dativ.
Relativpronomen im Nominativ oder Akkusativ
The exercise helps you to internalise the word order (placement of relative pronoun) in sentences.
Übung zu Relativpronomen
This is an exercise for you to select and use the correct relative pronouns in German.
Leseverstehen: Tipps für die Online-Partnersuche
This is a reading comprehension exercise on tips for finding partner online.
Flüssig sprechen (Einheit 6)
This exercise helps you practise the German pronunciation and gain fluency in it.
This exercise helps you practise the German pronunciation and gain fluency in it.
Relativsatz und Relativpronomen im Nominativ und Akkusativ
This worksheet is to be downloaded and brought to class in Week 12 (5. - 9.11.2018).
Relativsatz und Relativpronomen im Nominativ und Akkusativ (Lösungen)
Relativsatz (Lösungen)
Beim Imbiss
This worksheet is to be downloaded and brought to class in Week 12 (5. - 9.11.2018).
Beim Imbiss (Lösungen)
Definitionen und Informationen im Relativsätzen
Speed-Dating im Deutschunterricht
This worksheet is to be downloaded and brought to class in Week 12 (5. - 9.11.2018).
Studio 21 A2, Einheit 6, S. 116, Ü17 -- Lösungen