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Apps & Games
Language Levels
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Teaching Faculty
Apps & Games
Language Levels
About Us
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Elementary LEVEL
Intermediate LEVEL
Advanced LEVEL
German Course
Intermediate Level
Pronunciation (TTS)
Grammar Reference
Online Dictionary
studio [21] (A2), Einheit 5
Web based Exercises
Der-die-das-Spiel -- Einheit 5: Medien im Alltag (Teil 1)
This game is designed to help you learn the genders and plural of nouns in Einheit 5 of your coursebook "studio 21". This is the first of two parts.
Der-die-das-Spiel -- Einheit 5: Medien im Alltag (Teil 2)
This game is designed to help you learn the genders and plural of nouns in Einheit 5 of your coursebook "studio 21". This is the second of two parts.
Mein Medienalltag
This exercise will help you learn the media and relevant verbs.
Medien im Alltag
This game is designed to help you learn words related to the topic of media.
Indirekte Fragesätze mit "ob"
This is an exercise for you to practise using subordinate clauses with the conjunction "ob".
Indirekte W-Fragen
The exercise helps you to internalise the word order in indirect questions.
Studiengang -- Mobile Medien
This is a listening comprehension exercise based on an interview with three students who are studying mobile media.
Flüssig sprechen
This exercise helps you practise the German pronunciation and gain fluency in it.
Hörverstehen: Vor- und Nachteile von neuen Medien
This exercise will give you practice in listening to three comments to the media.
Hangman: Medien
This game is designed for you to learn and internalise vocabulary related to the topic "Medien".
Leseverstehen: Im Netz
This is an exercise for you to practise reading on the topic "media".
Hörverstehen -- Drei Interviews zur Mediennutzung
You can practise listening to the media daily life.
Hörverstehen: Medien als Teil des Alltags
This exercise helps you to practise listening to descriptions of media.
Artikel- und Adjektivendungen im Nom. und Akk. (Bestimmter Artikel)
This will help you review the article and adjective endings for the definite article in the nominative and accusative case.
Artikel- und Adjektivendungen im Nom. und Akk. (Unbestimmter Artikel)
This will help you review the article and adjective endings for the indefinite article in the nominative and accusative case.
Schluss mit Denglisch
Indirekte Fragen
This worksheet is to be downloaded and brought to class in Week 11.
Indirekte Fragen - Lösungen
Adjektivendungen wiederholen
Anglizismen in der Informatik
Wie bitte? Indirekte Fragen, indirekte Reden
Sprachschatten -- Indirekte Fragen
Quiz - indirekte Fragen