
a) Lonley donkeys eat wet nettles.

b) In a thick sprouce forest the sprouces sway a lot.

c) Irish will-o-the-wisps are wandering around in an Irish mental institute.


Need to refresh your memory regarding the pronunciation? Don’t forget:


There are three different e-sounds in German. The long “e” (e:) which sounds a bit like “a” in English (mate). This is a long vowel often in comination with “h” or double vowel “ee”.

The second and third e (ɛ/ ɛ:) sound are only different in length. It can either be written as “ä” or “e”. The long vowel will be pronounced like “ai” in English (hair). The short vowel is similar to the English “e” in “bet”. The length is defined by the consonants after the vowel e/ä.


There are two i sounds in German as well – short (ɪ) and long (i:). The long vowel is commonly used for “ie” and is similar to the English “ee” (to see). The short vowel (ɪ) is similar to the English “i” in “to sit”.

Zungenbrecher i-e
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Aussprache Vokale ä - i/ie - e

a) Einsame Esel essen nasse Nesseln,
nasse Nesseln essen einsame Esel.
b) Im dichten Fichtendickicht
nicken dicke Fichten tüchtig.
c) Im irischen Irrenhaus
irrten irre irische Irrlichter.
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