Arabic Course
Elementary Level

studio [21] (A1), Einheit 7
Web based Exercises
Video: Termine in einem Fitness-Studio machen
A video-based revision exercise on people making appointments
Video: Termine im Beruf
A video-based revision exercise on people making appointments in a professional situation
Der-die-das-Spiel -- Einheit 7: Berufe (Teil 1)
A Language Tetris Game to learn the gender and plural of nouns
Der-die-das-Spiel -- Einheit 7: Berufe (Teil 2)
A Language Tetris game to learn the gender and plural of nouns
Der-die-das-Spiel -- Einheit 7: Beruf (Teil 3)
A Language Tetris game to learn the gender and plural of nouns
Memory-Spiel -- Berufe auf Deutsch
A Memory game to learn the names of professions in German
Shooting Game -- Berufe
An exciting Shooting game to help recognise and memorise the names of professions in German
Modalverben "können" und "müssen": Satzbau
A Word Order exercise to practise the structuring of sentences with Modalverben
Modalverben - können oder müssen
Formulierungsübung zum Thema "Modalverben".
Hörverstehen: Kurze Interviews zum Thema "Beruf"
An MCQ listening exercise on the topic "Beruf"
Hörverstehen: Welcher Beruf ist das?
Matching exercises on conversations from different occupations.
Hangman: Berufe
A Hangman game to learn and review the names of occupations in German
Leseverstehen: Lars Lunde ist Grafikdesigner
A reading comprehension exercise on the graphic designer profession
Follow up on the Ausspracheübung in class to practice your listening comprehension.
Wiederholung D1
A revision game which covers the grammar and topics from German 1.
Zungenbrecher sch - ch
Pronunciation exercise
Zungenbrecher r - l
Pronunciation exercise
Zungenbrecher ö-ü
Pronunciation exercise
Traumberuf Florist
A Gapfill exercise on the topic of Berufe
Mein Beruf ist ...
A reading comprehension exercise on the topic of Berufe
Fragen an eine Call-Center-Agentin
Traumberuf: Erzieherin
A listening comprehension exercise
Zungenbrecher i - ie
Pronunciation exercise
Was muss und kann eine Erzieherin machen?
An exercise to practise the word order of sentences with Modalverben
Audio/Video Materials
Fernsehquiz: Was bin ich?
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