- I give Czech matchboxes as a present.
- I exchange small Chinese bowls for small Chinese keys.
- Just in time I arrived for battle.
Need to refresh your memory regarding the pronunciation? Don’t forget:
“sch” in German is pronounced the same way as “sh” in English.
There are two “ch” sounds in German.
The “ch” after consonants or the vowels e and i or diphthong (eu/äu) is pronounced in the middle of your mouth. To help you pronounce this “ch” (ç), say “Jajajajajajajajajaja”. As a second step whisper “Jajajajajajajajajaja”. You can hear that you are making this ç-sound.
The “ch” after the vowels a, o and u or diphthong (au) is pronounced at the back of your mouth. To help you pronounce this “ch” (X), stretch the vowel “Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa”. The next step is to press the tongue up. As the mouth will close slightly you won’t be able to pronounce the “a”sound anymore but there will still be air being pushed through your mouth. This will be the X-sound.