Zahlen (=numbers)
Please refer to the textbook, studio [21],  p. 20
21 / einundzwanzig
22 / zweiundzwanzig
23 / dreiundzwanzig
30 / dreißig
40 / vierzig
50 / fünfzig
60 / sechzig
70 / siebzig
80 / achtzig
90 / neunzig
100 / einhundert
1000 / eintausend
Do you notice how numbers from 21 - 23 are formed? How about 24 - 99?
The illustrations below may help.
Do you know how to read numbers above 100? Please see some examples below.
Alles klar? Read the following 10 numbers and click on the loud speaker icon to check:
1) 25;    2) 37;    3) 49;    4) 51;    5) 67;    6) 78;    7) 182;    8) 299;    9) 901;    10) 16.205*   
* In German, the period is used to indicate thousands and the comma to work as a decimal point.