"GE + STAMM + ??"

Formation of Partizip II for irregular verbs

You have already encountered some Partizipien II (or past participle in English) of irregular verbs in your book and during your class lessons. Do you remember them? Before we discuss the formation, let's take a look at the following verbs. Are they regular or irregular? Click on the Antwort option after each verb to see if you are right. 

Regelmäßig oder unregelmäßig ?

nehmen  Antwort
warten Antwort
feiern Antwort
schlafen Antwort
gehen Antwort
fahren Antwort
singen Antwort
leben Antwort
schreiben    Antwort
schließen Antwort
anrufen Antwort
bauen Antwort

What common features do the Partizipien II of the irregular verbs share? What rules can you infer? Click below if you want a hint.


Click here to see if your rule(s) is/are right.

All the rules you have learned previously for the trennbare and untrennbare Verben will apply to the irregular verbs. To revise, please re-read the page on regular verbs.

How best to learn the Partizipien II of irregular verbs


Please refer also to Eurolingua Learner's Handbook (pp. 140-143). There you will also find a list of separable and inseparable prefixes.   

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