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Formation of Partizip II for regular verbs

To form Perfekt, you will need Partizip II (or past participle in English). It is thus important to know how it is formed. Before proceeding, we will have to differentiate between verbs without prefixes (e.g. machen, suchen, arbeiten) and those with prefixes. First, look at the following examples for verbs without prefixes and try to formulate the rule for the formation of the Partizip II.

Verbs without Prefixes
suchen --> gesucht
wohnen --> gewohnt
machen --> gemacht
kaufen --> gekauft
wartet --> gewartet
arbeiten --> gearbeitet

It's not that difficult, is it? Can you now formulate the rule(s) for the formation of the Partizip II? Click below if you want a hint.


Click here to see if your rule(s) is/are right.

For verbs with prefixes, we must first determine if the prefix is trennbar (separable) or untrennbar (inseparable). To find out which are separable and which are inseparable prefixes, click here. Look at the following examples for verbs with separable prefixes and try to formulate the rule for the formation of the Partizip II.

Verbs with separable prefixes (Trennbare Verben)
mitspielen --> mitgespielt
einkaufen --> eingekauft
absagen --> abgesagt
ankreuzen --> angekreuzt

Now, try to formulate the rule(s) for the formation of Partizip II for separable verbs? Click below if you want a hint.


Click here to see if your rule(s) is/are right.

Now to the verbs with inseparable prefixes. Look at the following examples and try to formulate the rule for the formation of the Partizip II.

Verbs with inseparable prefixes (Trennbare Verben)
besuchen --> besucht
verkaufen --> verkauft
bestellen --> bestellt
erklären --> erklärt
verdienen --> verdient

What is the rule(s) for the formation of Partizip II for inseparable verbs? Click below if you want a hint.


Click here to see if your rule(s) is/are right.

Please refer also to Eurolingua Learner's Handbook (pp. 140-143). There you will also find a list of separable and inseparable prefixes.  

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